Do you know that feeling when you’re suddenly dragged into your own world, pretty much letting go of the chaos of everyday life? (which I’m doing at this particular moment by ignoring the oh-so-annoying whines of my lil brother on who’s turn to sleep at which side of the bed on what day of the week, sigh)
Letting yourself hauled into deep thought of nothingness and by this I mean not narrowing your mind into thinking of a particular something..You know, allowing your thoughts to, hmm, meander?
Every so often when I do this, I’ll start noticing things..Things that I deem not so worthy of my immediate attention, but are important and meaningful to me nonetheless. It’ll always start with petty stuffs like..
Why my post 4 blog didnt reached 100 yet?? ? (pretty slow progress if you ask me)
Why is my toothbrush always changing places from where I last put it? (hmm, I’m thinking this has something to do with my brother)
To bigger, significant ongoings in my life..
Is it one week left until my exam start? (O God, 1 week!)
Why do I still ‘tetido’ when I drive? Seriously dude, that, can cause major ‘accidente’=(
To deep and spiritual musings..
How can I be really khusyu’ in solah?
How many minutes of the hour on that day in that week do I spent to read the Quran? For all I know, that might just not be enough.
Come to think of it, how many times have I ever really stop to ponder? Living in today’s fast-paced world where everything pretty much goes with the glimpse of an eye, it’s the simplest I can do to at least slow things up. Take a break once in a while, but instead of having kitkat^^, isn’t it better for us to ‘start noticing things’?
Things that memories are made of..
Things that strengthen the ties and narrows the gap..
Things that help you become a better citizen of the world and a better Muslim of the ummah..
So you see, it’s good to loosen up sometimes and think things through..